The World’s Wealth:
Manifesto for a new economic order that cares for people and the planet
La ricchezza del mondo:
Manifesto per un nuovo ordine economico che si prenda cura delle persone e del pianeta
This manifesto highlights some truths revealed during the COVID-19 lockdown that show that the old patterns of economic thinking no longer match the world in which we now live. It advocates for leaving the old patterns of economic thinking behind, and for constructing a new human rights-based and inclusive economic model that cares for people and the planet.
Questo manifesto evidenzia alcune verità rivelate durante le chiusure per il COVID-19, che mostrano che i vecchi modelli del pensiero economico non si accordano più con il mondo in cui viviamo ora. Esorta a lasciarsi indietro i vecchi modelli di pensiero economico e a costruire un nuovo modello economico inclusivo e basato sui diritti umani che si prenda cura delle persone e del pianeta.
The gender impact of Coronavirus:
How to move to an economy that cares for people and the planet
L’impatto di genere del Coronavirus:
Come passare a un’economia che si prende cura delle persone e del pianeta
This paper raises some questions about how the Coronavirus crisis affects women and men differently. It reveals the key role of the care sector, referring to both paid and unpaid care work, and women’s specific roles and risks during the crisis. The article reviews some measures taken by governments to slow down the spread of the virus, and the impact of these measures on women, men and the environment.
Questo saggio solleva alcune questioni su come la crisi del Coronavirus abbia effetto in modo diverso sulle donne e sugli uomini. Rivela il ruolo chiave del settore della cura, facendo riferimento sia al lavoro retribuito che a quello non retribuito, e agli specifici ruoli e rischi delle donne durante la crisi. L’articolo esamina certe misure prese dai governi per rallentare la diffusione del virus e l’impatto di queste misure sulle donne, sugli uomini e sull’ambiente.
We work with a wide range of organizations varying from governmental bodies to private companies and independent agencies

“Very interesting and intensive. This training should become compulsory to all staff members.”

“I found it positive and stimulating that theoretical and practical parts were alternated. Very participatory, interactive and stimulating”

“Training has contributed to the broad goal of SDG-5. Also, has enlightened and motivated me with new ideas and reinforced their sense of resilience.”
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Monday-Friday 10:00 AM – 18:00 PM (CET)