Our Gender Training References and Services
2022: NEDWORC Association – Training on Gender Mainstreaming for International Consultants
NEDWORC Association is a professional network of Development Cooperation Experts, based in the Netherlands. Members share knowledge and expertise, organise network meetings and workshops, and work worldwide in short and long term, junior and senior assignments. OQ Consulting developed a tailor-made training, based on the results of a training needs assessment among the members of NEDWORC. The two-hour online training programme included a short introduction to gender concepts and gender mainstreaming, an overview of gender strategies, an interactive exercise in sub-groups on strategic thinking and Q&A in plenary.
Participants also received an e-book on Gender Mainstreaming in International Partnerships.
2021: GIZ Nepal – Online Training on ‘Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)’ for returning experts
Online training for experts who finished an academic study in Germany and returned to their country Nepal. The training was focused on building knowledge on basic concepts, strategies and tools for mainstreaming GESI in project cycle management (GIZ Project Ref.: 81272763)
OQ developed a tailor-made training, based on a training programme previously agreed with GIZ-Nepal. A team of 3 gender experts of OQ Consulting designed and delivered 3 online training modules. Each module consisted of two training sessions of 2 hours each through Microsoft-Teams. Every session had a theoretical and a practical part. Trainees received three e-books for further consultation.
More information about the training here.
2021 – 2023: Global – Long-Term Arrangement for Services (LTAS) with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for the provision of Gender Technical Services under category 4 on capacity building and gender training.
For this Long-Term Arrangement OQ has composed a pool of 35 gender experts with extensive experience in different countries. The network of gender experts covers all continents. In each region, OQ has a regional team leader and a regional partner organisation. The technical coordination of this worldwide network is distributed among Lin McDevitt (for Asia and sub-Sahara Africa), Ana Stefanovic (for Europe and Latin America), and Thera van Osch (for Middle East and Northern Africa).
The LTAS between UNICEF and OQ consulting also provides an official Vendor-status for the United Nations Global Market space, which means that OQ will receive specific invitations to tender from different UN Agencies.
2019: Austria – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): Development of Gender Mainstreaming Guide and Related Services (08/2019 – 11/2019)
The development of a “Gender Mainstreaming Guide” aimed at implementing the IAEA’s ‘Gender Equality Policy’ and its ‘Action Plan for Gender Concerns’. Delivering a Train-Of-Trainers course and a course for 200 staff members.
2019: France– COUNCIL OF EUROPE, Strasbourg. Developing and delivering of 20 gender courses for staff of the Council of Europe at HQ in Strasbourg, and offices in Serbia and Ukraine. (02/2019 – 12-2020)
Assignment commissioned by the Council of Europe to OQ Consulting (Lead of the trainings) and Femconsult (management of the project), consisting of designing courses and training tools on gender mainstreaming for 20 training sessions for staff of the Council of Europe at HQ in Strasbourg and in several East- and Central- European countries.
2017: London – Public Administration International: Gender Matters – Integrating gender into development policy and programming (16-20 October 2017)
Delivery of a training module on gender analysis tools.
2017: Brussels – EU Gender Analysis Support
Training module on Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming in Action Documents during the annual meeting of Gender Focal Persons of DG DEVCO and DG NEAR. Assignment implemented by AETS, and OQ Consulting subcontracted for the role of team leader. (EU contract number: 2016-050 BFC 2013 Lot 07 Multi gender).
2017: FEMCONSULT- The Hague, Netherlands
In-house participative tailor-made gender training.
2016: EP-NUFFIC: Capacity building for gender training of the Unit for Training (UNICAP) of the Public Ministry of Guatemala to accelerate the implementation of the Policy of Equality between Women and Men.
This Tailor Made Training will train UNICAP trainers and core staff of the Public Ministry (PM) of Guatemala on human-rights based approaches of gender mainstreaming at all levels of the PM, as required for the process of capacity building for the implementation of the Policy of Equality between Women and Men (2015) of the PM. The programme of the training has been elaborated in coordination with the PM and will be implemented by the consortium of OQ Consulting BV and DCAF (Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces).
2011 – 2016: Milan: ISPI Annual Master Course on Gender and Development
Annual course on Gender and Development for the ‘Master in International Cooperation’ of the Italian Institute for International Policy Studies, ISPI (Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale)
2015: Training on gender mainstreaming in EU projects and programmes
OQ Consulting BV organised and held a training on gender mainstreaming for European Civil Servants and staff of European institutions, non-profit organizations and companies involved in EU projects and programmes. September, World House Wetten, Germany.
2015: Mainstreaming gender equality in EU development cooperation in South Sudan
TOQ Consulting BV conducted a training in Juba for the European Delegation to South Sudan on Gender Mainstreaming in project work. The participants were EU staff members of the Delegation to South Sudan and project managers of partner organizations. The training was implemented by the senior gender expert and trainer Thera van Osch and the junior gender expert Margherita Sofia Zambelli.
2015: Training on Gender, Food Security and Climate Change
Visiting lecturer for the Italian Institute for International Policy Studies (ISPI) Winter Course on Gender, Food security and Climate Change. Development of training materials and syllabus, which includes milestones, policies and a manual for gender mainstreaming in project cycle management.
2014-2015: Training on gender mainstreaming -Neighbourhood South
The assignment aims Capacity Development of EU Staff working in the southern Neughbourhood countries of the European Union. OQ Consulting is involved as sub-contractor, and provides training on mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment in project and programme cycle management, and develop gender-awareness capacities in relation to policy analysis for both operational and political EU staff at HQ in Brussels and at EU delegations to Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Lybia, Morocco, Syria, and Tunesia. This assignment is implemented by Thera van Osch and Claire Leloup (both partners at OQ Consulting BV), on behalf of Public Administration International (UK), consortium partner of Danish Management A/S, contractor of the EU (FWC: EuropeAid/129783/C/SER/multi-2014/345716/1)
2014: Produce gender mainstreaming modules in specific policy sectors in the EU
Preparation of gender mainstreaming modules in specific policy sectors, covering the following policy sectors: Agriculture and rural development; Environment and climate change; Employment and social affairs; Economic and financial affairs; Culture; Sports; Enterprise and industry; Justice; Maritime affairs and fisheries; Youth; Regional policy. The aim is to increase gender competence of EU level policy makers and administrators by contributing to improving their knowledge, understanding and recognition of gender inequalities, increasing their ability to identify gender aspects in their work and to set gender equality goals, and to enable them to undertake necessary action with regard to gender mainstreaming. Assignment: EIGE/2014/OPER/10, implemented by OQ Consulting and Netsheila (consortium-partners)
2014: ITC-ILO: Advise and training delivery
Advise on training manual for Haiti on Gender Responsive Budgeting, and delivery of Training Module on Gender responsive Budgeting at the ITC-ILO Campus in Turin.
2013-2014: EU Gender Communication and Training
OQ Consulting, in the person of Thera van Osch (team leader) supports the assignment EU Gender Communication and Training, which includes: Development of gender training modules for EU Staff on energy sector, climate change, food security and policy dialogue; Delivery of online training courses; Face-to-face trainings at EU Headquarters Brussels and in EU delegations (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam, Benin), and production of Newsletters. The assignment is implemented in a subcontract with Particip GmbH (FWC EuropeAid/129783/C/SER/Multi-Lot 2: Communication and Training)
2014: Ashgabet, Turkmenistan: UNFPA
Basic gender training for 120 students of the Academy of State Services in Ashgabat. Advanced training on ‘Gender Equality in the System of Public Administration’, including the development of a methodological training manual.
2013: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
Peer-to-peer exchange seminar “How do we make gender mainstreaming work?” Moderating seminar and report with recommendations for EIGE
2013: Pristina, Kosovo: UN Women
Training to enhance women’s participation in peace-building and post-conflict planning in Kosovo. UN-Women commissioned this training to Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting as part of a broader mission to support the inclusion of ‘Women, Peace and Security’ goals in EU programming for Kosovo and to support the development of the strategy to implement the EU Comprehensive Approach in Kosovo. (UN-Women Project number 00083164).
2013: Brussels: DEVCO, Unit B1: Thematic training on ‘Justice, Democracy and the Rule of Law’
Delivery of a training module on ‘Gender, Justice and Democratisation’ by Thera van Osch as part of the Framework Contract EuropeAid/129783/C/SER/Multi, Lot 2 between the European Commission and PARTICIP GmbH
2013: The Hague: The Hague academy for local governance
Delivery of a training workshop on “Participation and accountability from the Gender Perspective” in the context of the training course “Citizen Participation and Accountability 2013”.
2012: Addis Ababa, EU Delegation to Ethiopia
Training on Mainstreaming Gender Equality in EU Development Cooperation in Ethiopia. This training for staff of the EU Delegation to Ethiopia, of EU Embassies, and their governmental and non-governmental partner organizations in Ethiopia was delivered by Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting in the context of the AETS Framework Contract 162/COM 2011 LOT 1/Multi of the European Commission
2012 and 2013: The Hague: Tiye International
Workshops on women’s rights in the framework of the Daphne III programme of the EC for the project “SPEAK OUT”, Empowering Black, Migrant and Refugee Women
2012: Hanoi-Vietnam: Vietnamese Women’s Union “Enhancement of women’s participation in leadership”
Training course for VWU’s leaders/managers on policy advocacy in order to better support the process of gender mainstreaming in policies/legal documents, including tools and techniques for Gender Impact Assessment. Project implemented and coordinated by VWU with funds from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID).
2012: The Hague: The Hague academy for local governance
Workshop on Gender, Peace and Security. Providing knowledge and guidance on promoting gender equality in processes of conflict prevention, peace-building, security and development.
2012: EU Delegation to Vietnam
Tailor-made Training for EU Staff on “Gender Mainstreaming in EU Development Cooperation in Vietnam”; One-day Gender Workshop for EU partners in Vietnam; and individual advice on request. (Service contract no. Cris 280457 for EU external actions)
2012: Online Training Courses: Updating, delivery and evaluation of 3 online training courses:
Online 1: Gender basic training
Online 2: Basic Tools and Strategies for Gender mainstreaming
Online 3: Gender mainstreaming in the Project Approach
Teamwork by EU Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting in cooperation with AETS, to deliver the trainings through the Framework Contract 162/COM-2011-LOT1/Multi of the EC (DEVCO) with AETS.
2011: East Jerusalem: Office of the European Union Representative (West Bank and Gaza Strip, UNWRA)
Tailor-made training for EU staff ‘Gender Equality Perspectives on EU Development Cooperation in the occupied Palestinian territory’.
2011 and 2012: The Hague: The Hague Academy for Local Governance
One-day tailor-made Workshop on the ‘Gender Perspective of Citizen Participation and Accountability’
2011: The Hague: Tiye International
Workshop on Gender, Peace and Security; explanation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889 and how to implement.
2011: Brussels: Thematic Workshop “Political and Policy Dialogue on Gender Equality in Development Cooperation
Workshop organised by DEVCO-Unit-E4, with the support of EU Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6/ Specific contract nr 2010/250037 of the EC with Particip GmbH.
2011: Brussels: Basic Training on Promotion of Gender Equality in EU Development Cooperation
Training delivered by EU Gender Advisory Services, led by OQ Consulting, through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6/ Specific contract nr 2010/250037of the EC with Particip GmbH.
October 2010: Brussels: Training Gender and development; on Aid Effectiveness.
Two-day Workshop organized by OQ Consulting BV.
October 2010: Liberia: Training Programme ‘Liberia and EU working together on Gender Equality’
Teamwork between by EU Delegation in Monrovia and EU Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4)with Particip GmbH.
September 2010: Nairobi: Training Programme of the EU Somali Operational Unit (SOU) in Nairobi, Kenya: Promotion of gender equality in EU development cooperation.
Teamwork between SOU and EU Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4)with Particip GmbH.
June 2010: Brussels: Basic Training Gender and Development for EU Staff.
Teamwork by EU Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH.
October 2009: Ankara: Training Programme of the EC Delegation in Turkey: Promotion of gender Equality through the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance.
Teamwork by EC Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, in close cooperation with the EC Delegation in Ankara, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4)with Particip GmbH.
September 2009: Amsterdam: Workshop on Gender Budgeting.
Organised by WO=MEN, The Hague.
August 2009: Harare: Training Programme of the EC Delegation in Zimbabwe: Promotion of gender Equality in EC Development Cooperation
Teamwork by EC Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, in cooperation with DG DEV-unit E3, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH
June 2009: Latin America and Caribbean: Regional Training Seminar for Gender focal Persons of EC Delegations to Strengthen the Gender Agenda.
Teamwork by EC Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, in close cooperation with the Gender Focal Person of the EC Delegation in Peru delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH
June 2009: Lima: Training Programme of the EC Delegation in Peru: Promotion of gender Equality in EC Development Cooperation
Teamwork by EC Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH
June 2009: Santiago de Chile: Training Programme of the EC Delegation in Chile: Promotion of gender Equality in EC Development Cooperation
Teamwork by EC Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH
April 2009: Brussels: Gender Equality in Result Oriented Monitoring.
Teamwork by EC Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting, to deliver the training through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH.
2009 /2010 /2011: Online Training Courses: Development of content, production, launching, delivery and evaluation of 3 online training courses:
Online 1: Gender basic training
Online 2: Basic Tools and Strategies for Gender mainstreaming
Online 3: Gender mainstreaming in the Project Approach
Teamwork by EC Gender Advisory Services, a team led by OQ Consulting in cooperation with AIDCO and IM-C, to deliver the trainings through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH.
December 2008: Dar-es-Salaam: Training Programme of the EC Delegation in Tanzania: Promotion of gender Equality in EC Development Cooperation.
Teamwork by EC Gender Helpdesk, a team led by OQ Consulting in cooperation with DG-DEV/E3, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH.
September 2008: Brussels: Bilingual Training Programme (English and French): Promotion of gender Equality in EC Development Cooperation.
Teamwork by EC Gender Helpdesk, a team led by OQ Consulting, delivered through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH.
August 2008: Tailor-made NUFFIC-training: Gender and Development: To a new Development Agenda in Suriname
Training designed in cooperation with Women’s Parliament Forum of Suriname; delivered by OQ Consulting in cooperation with Bureau Remedie for Organisation and Communication, Utrecht (NL).
June 2008: Vanuatu: Regional Training Programme ACP Pacific Region: Promotion of gender Equality in EC Development cooperation.
Teamwork by EC Gender Helpdesk, a team led by OQ Consulting, through the Framework Contract COM 2007/Lot 6 of the EC (AIDCO-Unit E4) with Particip GmbH.
2007 / 2008: Several Workshops on “Capacity building in Social Movements”
Assignment commissioned by TIE-Netherlands – Amsterdam and delivered by OQ Consulting in cooperation with Bureau Remedie for Organisation and Communication, Utrecht (NL).
May 2007: Utrecht; workshop on Economy of Care.
Organised by the foundation ‘Ergensland’, The Hague.
June / July 2006: Workshops on ‘Capacity building and Combating Poverty with a gender perspective’ (Oxfam-Novib project)
Assignment commissioned by Tiye International and delivered by OQ Consulting in cooperation with Bureau Remedie for Organisation and Communication, Utrecht (NL).
2005-2007: Series of Workshops on “The Economy of Care: How will another economy look like?”
Presented in Amsterdam, Tilburg, Eindhoven, Nijmegen, The Hague, and Utrecht in the framework of a course on solidarity economics, organised by ‘Bureau Ver(?)Antwoord’ [Office Respons(?)able] on behalf of the Platform Pro Change (Voor de Verandering) of the network Globalternatives in cooperation with XminY.
October 2005: Workshop gender budgeting
Presented during the ‘Day of the Alternatives’ in the Netherlands, organised by the Platform Pro Change (Voor de Verandering) of the network Globalternatives in cooperation with XminY.
September 2005: Workshop on the unpaid economy
Organised by “The Poor site of The Netherlands / EVA” during the Festival ‘Women Inc’, Amsterdam
April 2005: Workshop on improving the performance of COC in international cooperation
Commissioned by COC-Netherlands.

“Very interesting and intensive. This training should become compulsory to all staff members.”

“I found it positive and stimulating that theoretical and practical parts were alternated. Very participatory, interactive and stimulating”

“Training has contributed to the broad goal of SDG-5. Also, has enlightened and motivated me with new ideas and reinforced their sense of resilience.”
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Vellarsweg 2,
47625 Kevelaer, GermanyMonday-Friday 10:00 AM – 18:00 PM (CET)