Our Consulting Experience and Services
2022- 2025 – UN-Women – Long Term Agreement with UN-Women for gender technical and methodological services deliveries (02/2022- 02/2025)
Participation Level Agreement (PLA, signed 07 February 2020) for the provision of Gender Technical Services on request.
2021 – 2024: Global – Long-Term Arrangement for Services (LTAS) with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for the provision of Gender Technical Services under category 1 on gender analyses, review of literature and evidence and category 4 on capacity building and gender training
For this Long-Term Arrangement OQ has composed a pool of 35 gender experts with extensive experience in different countries. The network of gender experts covers all continents. In each region, OQ has a regional team leader and a regional partner organisation. The technical coordination of this worldwide network is distributed among Lin McDevitt (for Asia and sub-Sahara Africa), Ana Stefanovic (for Europe and Latin America), and Thera van Osch (for Middle East and Northern Africa).
The LTAS between UNICEF and OQ consulting also provides an official Vendor-status for the United Nations Global Market space, which means that OQ will receive specific invitations to tender from different UN Agencies.
2020 – Council of Europe: Roadmap for CDDH on Mainstreaming Gender and Human Rights
The purpose of this roadmap is to answer the key question: Does a law or policy reduce, maintain or increase the gender and intersecting inequalities between women and men? The roadmap for Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) provides a practical step-by-step approach to accomplish the mandate of the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) of the Council of Europe with a gender-equality perspective. The quality and effectiveness of legislation and policies will improve in favour of gender equality following the recommendations of a GIA. (CoE, Act of Engagement, Contract No. 156/2019)
2019 – Council of Europe: Checklist for Gender-Sensitive Communication; Development of guidance and principles to follow for an inclusive approach in communication
The aim of this Checklist is to provide Council of Europe bodies and staff with concrete guidance and a set of principles to follow for an inclusive approach in communication, accompanied by concrete examples on the use of gender-sensitive communication. The goal is to initiate a process of revision of the language used in communications and in existing standards.
2017 – 2019: TTC Equal Opportunities Project & Conference
The TTC Equal Opportunities project was launched in 2017 after the approval of the Gender Strategy of Tbilisi Municipality aimed at eradicating gender based discrimination through the hiring of female bus drivers. The project included 7 objectives based on the 7 UN Women’s Empowerment Principles. As a consortium partner of AETS, OQ Consulting helped with the gender mainstreaming tactics through the specific tasks & activities part of the overall action plan. In November 2019 we were part of a TTC Conference for donors and the organization itself that was to report on the results & benefits of the project. See TTC Booklet.
2017 – 2018: EBRD – Gender Advisory Services Programme 2016 – Framework for Access to Employment and Skills:
Georgia – TBILISI Transport Project: promoting equal opportunities and increased gender balance among the employees of the Tbilisi Transport Company in line with the Women’s Economic Empowerment principles of UN-Women, and sharing results at regional level. OQ Consulting is consortium partner in this framework contract, which is led by AETS, France.
2016: European Parliament: Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in issues related to Women’s Rights, Lot 3: Women’s rights and gender equality in third countries
Strengthen the knowledge of the ‘Women’s rights and Gender Equality Committee’; of the European Parliament by providing studies, analysis and advise on how to promote gender equality beyond the EU. OQ Consulting BV is consortium partner of Public Administration International (United Kingdom) for this Framework Contract..
2016 – 2018: Brussels – EU Gender Analysis Support
Technical support to strengthen the inclusion of gender equality and girls’ and women’s empowerment in all EU external cooperation instruments and across development cooperation sectors. Provide EU staff at headquarters and Delegations appropriate gender analysis to inform decisions and programme approaches, according to the Gender Action Plan 2016-2010 (GAP-II) on transforming the lives of girls and women through EU External Relations. This assignment is implemented by AETS, a French company which sub-contracted Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting.BV as one of the team members. (EU contract number: 2016-050 BFC 2013 Lot 07 Multi gender).
2015: The Hague, Ministry of Foreign Affiars of the Netherlands
OQ Consulting BV has worked with FEMCONSULT to participate in the assessment of project proposals submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affiars of the Netherlands under the FLOW 2016-2020 call, grant programme ‘Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women’.
2015: The Hague, Ministry of Foreign Affiars of the Netherlands
Ex-ante evaluation of 60 projects on Food Security and Entrepreneurship, particularly on the gender perspective. Thera van Osch, OQ senior gender expert, was member of the external Advisory Committee for the Fund for Sustainable Enterprises and Food Security(Fonds voor Duurzaam Ondernemen en Voedselzekerheid – FDOV) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
2014: The Hague, Netherlands. Dutch Sustainable Unit – Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Technical advice to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands on gender mainstreaming in finance for climate targets.
2014: ITC/ILO-Turin
Content design and development/adaptation of technical contents of the “EU Resource Package on Gender Mainstreaming in Development Cooperation” . Provide high-level guidance and highly specialized expertise to a larger research and on-line product development.
2014: Ashgabat, Turkmenistan: UNFPA
Providing recommendations for gender mainstreaming in the education programme of the Academy of State Services under the President of Turkmenistan
2013: Pristina, Kosovo: UN Women
International Consultation to support the inclusion of ‘Women, Peace and Security’ goals in EU planning frameworks for Kosovo and to support the development of the strategy to implement the EU Comprehensive Approach in Kosovo. (UN-Women Project number 00083164)
2013: EU Gender Communication and Training 2013-2014
Assignment for the strengthening of capacity building of EU staff at HQs and EU Delegations to include gender equality and women’s empowerment in all EU external cooperation instruments and across development cooperation sectors. Conduct an informed political and policy dialogue on gender, according to the EU Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting has been assigned as team leader by PARTICIP GmbH in the Framework Contract EuropeAid/129783/C/SER/Multi, Lot 2: Communication and Training of the European Commission
2012: Vilnius, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
European Conference “Advancing Gender Training to Support Effective Gender Mainstreaming” Vilnius (Lithuania), 13-14 November 2012. Presentation by Thera van Osch (OQ Consulting) during final panel: “Gender training in Europe: How to boost gender mainstreaming?”
2012 : République Démocratique du Congo : CTB – COOPERATION TECHNIQUE BELGE
Analyse Genre dans le secteur éducation – sous secteur enseignement technique et formation professionnelle – revue documentaire. Implemented by Anne Stanneveld on behalf of OQ Consulting BV. (CTB-Code Navision : RDC 12 169 01)
2012: Departement Internationaal Vlaanderen (DIV)
Translation into Dutch of the “Draft final report – Joint Medium-Term Review of the Country Strategy on Development Cooperation 2009-2013 between the Government of Flanders and the Government of Malawi” Departement Internationaal Vlaanderen (DIV)
2012: GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeid) – Train4Dev Gender Expert Group
Assignment of GIZ on Developing a Quality Certification for Train4Dev with a Gender Perspective.
2012: EU Gender Advisory Services 2012
Assignment of senior consultants Claire Leloup and Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting by AETS in the Framework Contract 162/COM 2011 LOT 1/Multi of the European Commission
2011: European Parliament: Framework Service Contract for the provision of external expertise in issues related to Women’s Rights, LOT 4, Situation of women living in the third countries
Strengthen the knowledge of the ‘Women’s rights and Gender Equality Committee’ of the European Parliament by providing studies, analysis and advise on how to promote gender equality beyond the EU. OQ Consulting BV is consortium partner of Aletta – Institute for Women’s History, Amsterdam (Netherlands) and KARAT – Coalition for Gender Equality, Warsaw (Poland) for this Framework Contract.
2011: GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeid) – Train4Dev Gender Expert Group
Assessment on what is needed to increase gender equality in development cooperation. The assessment was based on desk study and in-depth interviews with representatives of 8 development organizations; it shows institutional gaps in capacity development, and gives recommendations on how to enhance capacity for gender mainstreaming.
2011: East Jerusalem: Review of Guidelines for grant applicants of local Calls for Proposals to make them more gender sensitive.
Advice on how to mainstream a gender equality perspective in guidelines for grant applications on Human Rights and Democratic Reform, on the Cultural Activities Programme, on the Non-State Actors programme, and on the Partnership for Peace programme.
2011: EU Gender Advisory Services 2011
Idem 2010, prolongation in the framework of a specific contract of Particip GmbH with the EC.
2010: EU Gender Advisory Services 2010
Assignment of team leader commissioned to Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting by Particip GmbH in the Framework Contract Lot 6 of the European Commission
2009: Participative Consulting Workshop “Gender Equality in the TU-movement
Participative consulting workshop to support TIE-Netherlands in outlining strategies for capacity building to promote gender equality in the Trade Union Movement of Belarus. The consulting workshop was part of the Trade Union training project of TIE-Netherlands in Belarus.
2009: EC Gender Advisory Services 2009
Assignment of team leader commissioned to Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting by Particip GmbH in the Framework Contract Lot 6 of the European Commission.
2008: EC Gender Helpdesk 2008
Assignment of team leader commissioned to Thera van Osch of OQ Consulting by Particip GmbH in the Framework Contract aLot 6 of the European Commission.
2007: Coordination of European Feminist Forum
Assignment commissioned to OQ Consulting by IIAV (International Information Centre and Archive of the Women’s Movement), currently named Alleta, Institute for Women’s History.
2007: Evaluation of the Novib-Oxfam project: “Capacity building and combating poverty with a gender perspective
Assignment commissioned by Tiye International to OQ Consulting and Bureau Remedie for Organisation and Communication, Utrecht (NL).
2006: Feasibility Study on the Need for Institutional Strengthening of the NGO Sector in Suriname and Elaboration of a Financing Proposal
Entrusted to OQ Consulting by IBF International Consulting in the framework of the EC Project no. 2006/115933.
2005: Consulting on sustainable rural development
Participation in the design of the concept of “Buurderij” – a model for a sustainable rural community developed by the Dutch Innovation Network Green Space and Agrocluster. This short term assignment commissioned by BUITEN, Consultancy Economy and Environment, Utrecht.

“Very interesting and intensive. This training should become compulsory to all staff members.”

“I found it positive and stimulating that theoretical and practical parts were alternated. Very participatory, interactive and stimulating”

“Training has contributed to the broad goal of SDG-5. Also, has enlightened and motivated me with new ideas and reinforced their sense of resilience.”
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47625 Kevelaer, GermanyMonday-Friday 10:00 AM – 18:00 PM (CET)